
Are you planning your next smart home project? Here we go into a little more detail on how our projects come to life, from the initial design, through the challenges we have met head on along the way, to how we arrive at the final product – which we hope will give you some insight into how we work and the care we take with each and every one of our installations. We’re here to bring your dream home to reality. 

Attitash Mountain Resort, NH

Does Your Home Network Rack Look Like This?

Project: Attitash Mountain Resort, NH. Sometimes, despite the best laid plans, dreams can turn into nightmares. This happened to one of our clients who, despite hiring a professional WiFi installation company, was left with a WiFi network that didn’t support even basic day-to-day functionality – their video calls were dropping and surfing the web was also difficult at times. They…
Live Free AV - Hingham MA

Cool by the Pool

Audio Visual, Home Theater, Landscape Audio, WiFi
Project: Hingham, MA. What do you do if your home WiFi coverage is touch and go, your cell phone signal is poor, your audio visual and outdoor entertainment system isn’t functioning properly and you have a big summer birthday celebration out by the pool coming up? That’s easy – call Live Free AV! This beautiful Hingham home had been recently…
Live Free AV - Pelham NH

Getting Smart From the Start

Audio Visual, Security & Surveillance, WiFi
Project: Pelham, NH. Ultimately, here at Live Free AV, we’re up for any challenge to deliver your dream smart home solution. We can upgrade exisiting systems, we can reftrofit new systems… but there is something exciting about coming in and designing your system right from the start. Being involved in a project from the very beginning means that when we…
Live Free AV - Hooksett, NH

Lights, Cameras, Action!

Audio Visual, Landscape Audio, Landscape Lighting, WiFi
Project: Hooksett, NH. Our clients had recently installed a swimming pool at their home in Hooksett and wanted some high quality speakers distributed around their new outdoor living space. The area is expansive, including the pool, a BBQ deck, hot tub and seating area. The two bluetooth speakers that they had initially installed just weren’t filling the area with the…